Review: Pictures – The Troad

18 September 2012

Having seen Naomi off at Bandirma after our adventure on the walls, we next took a tour of the Troad, driving down the coast to see a few ancient sites. Our first stop was the almost invisible Alexandria Troas, a Hellenistic city whose ruins are only now being excavated, in fact, a team was at work when we arrived. Although its walls and crumbling baths have long protruded the earth, the site is otherwise orchards and brambles.

Our next point of interest was the valley settlement of Apollo Smintheion, another ongoing excavation, which just happens to be sponsored by Efes, the ubiquitous Turkish beer. The postcard-ready restoration was a bit jarring, but the site was extensive and there were pomegranates everywhere for snacking.

Finally, we made our way back up the coast to Troy. The Troy. Letty warned me that the site is sadly not very photogenic, and belies very little of the glories that we all know from Homer. However, it was kind of a mandatory visit, and I was glad to have done so, especially early in our trip. In retrospect, all three sites we saw that day were, by comparison, dwarfed by the incredibly advanced states of excavation and restoration of the sites we would visit in the weeks to come.

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