Review: Pictures – Antalya

26 September 2012

My (Stéban’s) birthday. Probably the best on record. We arrived in Antalya the night before. We payed nothing for the room. You get what you pay for (and less). I really wish we had taken some pictures, if only for the laughs. We were still laughing when we woke. After a birthday breakfast beverage, we set out.

First on the list was the Antalya museum. This was a pretty big space with lots of material (far more than what is being presented here). And like Side the day before, most of it was Roman or Hellenistic Greek. Archaic material was scarce. On the one hand, I (Stéban) love that stuff. It is deliberately dramatic. On the other hand, I know that we set out to look at more ancient material. But it seems Turkey has determined that the average tourist wants to see the naturalism and accessibility Roman Art. In fact, there were some Spanish tourists who were accessing the statues of Trajan pretty liberally.

This was a truly fun start to the day, which would next take us to Phaselis. More to come.

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